More About Me...

Let me tell you a bit more about myself - hopefully I'll manage to convince you that I'm a real person and not just another website robot wink

Well, first things first then - my name's Alex Greene, I'm 23 years old and right now I live in bonny but chilly Scotland. And nope before you ask, I'm not a doctor... or a physiotherapist... or even a "holistic body coach"!

I am however a keen weight lifter and general fitness trainer with a lot of experience dating back over 8 years, when I first became interested in how to improve my body and physical health.

Why Did I Start?

I first began with weight training properly after, shock horror, an injury! I have hypermobility and when I was younger a lot of my joints were a bit too flexible for their own good, eventually leading to an injury to my right shoulder.

It didn't seem too bad at the time, but I was 'informed' (with stories of shoulder dislocations and other nice images lingering in my future) that if I didn't treat it properly right now, it could lead to problems in later life.

So I was given a thera-band (a big rubber band really tongue) and told to do several exercises every day... and go back to the physio after a couple months to check my progress. And then...

I Was Hooked...

There was just something about it all. I could never really explain it to someone very well, I just liked doing those exercises. The main point of them was to strengthen my shoulder and surrounding area like the rotator cuff, etc, but even that was enough to give me a taste of what physical training was like.

I started to look forward to getting one more rep out the next night, or holding the stretches for a few seconds longer, fighting my body all the way (you know - as you do).

And the rest is history! From there I got more and more into weight lifting and physical training, until it just became a part of me. Now it's an important part of my life, and something that always manages to leave a big, strange feeling gap if I even take a week off. All the while learning as I go, trying to be the best trainer I can be, and using new information to constantly improve my training and workouts.

So to cut a long story short, all my learning and experience began about 8 years ago now, and I've enjoyed every minute of my fitness journey. Why am I telling you about my own personal timescale? Well just so that you know I ain't some flash in the pan fitness fanatic. A guy who is just starting out, full of motivation!... but burning out fast. Truth is, I'm still just as motivated right now as I was when I first started!

And if you can use my experiences to help you get started in physical training, and consider yourself a part of 'fitness land' (believe me, it's a great place to be tongue) then that'll make all this information worthwhile.

Hope you enjoy my site!

All the best,
Alex Greene

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